Below there are a few pictures from 111 day of my Camino (2015). I walked from Aviles to Soto de Luina. It was one of “these” days – 38km in constant rain, which fall or just have been in the air. What’s more it became cold in the evening. So I reached Soto de Luina wet, tired and cold.
On the example of that day I made a curious notion about time. It seems that time is a space of minutes, hours, days… More of these – more of time. But it’s not true. In a day like this when you just walk, getting wet, looking under your feet and the world around you is having become narrowed by a fog or a cloud, time suddenly leaks out through some invisible slit. And when you arrive, there are no hours, all the time contracts, disappears. So the time is a space of events not units of time. If we fill the day with events, than the time is full and ripe. If it was just 60 thousand steps then there’s almost no time at all 🙂
Sorry for such a long inclusion. maybe it stupid, but it was as I felt that strange day. In albergue first everybody was lying on their bed. After hours ppl get up, we start to talk. Hospitalero invited us for a new route – Camino Naturale. I ate, listen, went to sleep.