Camino 2015, pictures: day 051 Koenigsmacker

On 51 day of my Camino (in 2015) I have walked through 3 countries: From Germany, to Luxemburg, to France. Below is the leading picture fo flickr album from that day. First picture presents bridge do Schengen, where the treaty of free passage for Europe was made.

It was 39 Celcius degree in the shadow, and I got some “medical” troubles because after a lot of cherries I ate fat salami sausage and then drank a lot of cold, mineral water. Exhausted and dehydrated I reach Koenigsmacker in France, but there was no accommodation there. So about 9 pm I tried to go further, but after a half (maybe more) an hour I failed. It was night and in the middle of nowhere. I lied down on the grass, next to motorway. The traffic seemed to decrease.

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