Camino 2015, pictures: day 039 Fulda

Pictures from 39 day of my Camino – taken June 22 2015. 21 km to Fulda. The best marked daily camino route I ever walked. Some different Jacobsweg (german camino) routes meets in Fulda. I decided to buy there a map, and a guidebook for the rest (400 km) of the route to the western border of Germany.
I was in a commercial bookstore, in a tourist information center and in a catholic bookstore near to the cathedral you can see on a photo below. There was no guidebook, nor a map of Jacobsweg in any of these places. Franciscans in an abbey where I stayed for a night, told me to look in a bookstore in the city, ppl in a bookstore told me to look in Franciscan abbey. I ended up with nothing. I had zero information about the further route or where to look for a place to sleep. Just in the middle of big European country 🙂

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