Camino 2015, pictures: day 026 Schönfeld

26 day of my Camino in 2015, 4th in Germany. I’ve walked 33 km from Kamenz to Schönfeld. It was raining the day before and all the night, and in the morning. I spent a night alone in desolate alberge. None to talk to. It became cold. I started to see everything dark in very dark colors, I mean the future. All my energy and bravery were gone somehow.

I felt extremely alone on that cold, foggy, rainy day, so I start to sing. I sang polish songs in german countryside. I sang to God, i sang to myself at the top of my voice. I sang that I am not alone. I even translate at that moment polish song into english, and sang it in English. And it helped! Although again no shop to buy a food. My situation began to be a little desperate.

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